【導讀】:U.S. News and World Report(簡稱U.S.News),中文《美國新聞和世界報導》,它是美國著名的綜合性報道評論周刊。USNEWS是目前最具權威和影響力的美國大學排名榜,對于學生申請大學具有非常重要的參考價值!以下是2015USNews美國本科北部地區(qū)文理學院排名,供大家參考。
2015USNews美國本科北部地區(qū)文理學院排名新鮮出爐! U.S. News排名依據(jù)為:學術聲譽、學生保持率、招生選拔、師資資源、經(jīng)費資源、學生就業(yè)率和薪資、校友捐贈率等等,這個排名對大學考核的因素全面,計算方法復雜,得出的數(shù)據(jù)客觀。威久留學專家提醒大家USNews排名對學生申請名校有很重要的實際參考價值,大家一定要注意自己心儀學校的排名。馬上在線咨詢>>>
1 United States Coast Guard Academy
2 Cooper Union
3 United States Merchant Marine Academy
4 Elizabethtown College
5 Messiah College
6 Lebanon Valley College
7 Massachusetts Maritime Academy
8 Maine Maritime Academy
9 Elmira College
9 Merrimack College
11 Seton Hill University
12 Bard College at Simon's Rock
12 Wentworth Institute of Technology
14 Champlain College
14 Geneva College
16 Cedar Crest College
17 Wilson College
18 University of Maine—?Farmington
19 Delaware Valley College
20 St. Francis College
20 SUNY Maritime College
22 SUNY College of Technology—?Alfred
22 Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
24 Cazenovia College
24 College of Our Lady of the Elms
26 Dean College
27 Lasell College
28 Farmingdale State College—?SUNY
28 Pennsylvania College of Technology
28 SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology—?Cobleskill
31 Concordia College 1
31 Unity College
33 La Roche College
33 SUNY College of Technology—?Delhi
33 Thiel College
36 Vermont Technical College
37 University of Maine—?Fort Kent
38 Keystone College
38 Mount Aloysius College
40 Mount Ida College
40 Nichols College
40 Paul Smith's College 1
43 Morrisville State College
44 Thomas College
44 Valley Forge Christian College 1
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